Legionnaires - A cut-throat killer

Category: Laser News

As seen in www.metronews.co.nz - July 7,  2017

Legionnaires' (also known as Legionellosis) is a form of pneumonia. There's no doubt it's being left misdiagnosed on a regular basis, especially given the only way to find out if someone has Legionnaires is by coughing up some form of saliva in an already dry throat.

Chris Dick is a plumber and owner of Laser Plumbing Christchurch East. He has tried to take action on this issue, by showing the true reality of the effects Legionnaires' is having on people in New Zealand. When talking to higher powers, he drew this conclusion.

"My impression was, they had larger fish to fry, that it wasn't as important as something else. And so the downside of that of course is in the meantime, people are suffering because of it."